Join our Community

Are you ready to unlock success: connect, grow, and thrive in an empowering community?

Who can join?

Diverse Professional

High potential professionals from black, female or low-household-income backgrounds.

Why? Connect with a supportive network, access tailored programmes, and elevate your career journey through collaboration and empowerment.


Current or aspiring leaders, from any social background, who are keen to learn how to develop the necessary leadership skills to improve inclusion and diversity for their companies and across their industries

The roles our community members can play are the following (some community members play more than one role) :

Board Member



Programme Participant


Contributor (Mentor)

Contributor (Advisor)

Contributor (Presenter)


Contributor (Advocate)


Joining Forces: How to Engage with our Community

3 simple steps to join our community, if we're your perfect match!


Register your interest

Fill in the short form below with a few of your details.


Choose your role

Depending on the role you would like to play in Our Community, our team will reach out with next steps.


Join our community

If successful, you’ll get access to our community rewards & more.

Join our Community

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